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Perbandingan Konsumen Mie Instan Cup 2020 adalah data hasil riset konsumen tentang perbandingan profil konsumen mie instan cup antar merek . Riset konsumen ini dilakukan oleh Talenta Data Indonesia dengan mengikuti prosedur ilmiah sehingga hasil riset adalah valid dan reliabel.
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Indonesia Data presents Comparative Data on Consumer Profiles of Inter-Brand Cup Instant Noodles 2020 taken from the book Study of Market Profile and Marketing Performance of Food and Beverage Products in Indonesia 2020. This book is the result of marketing research conducted by PT. Talenta Data Indonesia by following scientific procedures. So that the resulting data is valid and reliable. You can have this data by buying it exclusively only in Indonesia Data.
The data we present are in the form of datasets and dashboards in excel format (.xlsx) making it easier for you to process and visualize data according to your needs and desires.
The data that will be obtained are in the form of:
Judul | : | Perbandingan Profil Konsumen Mie Instan Cup Antar Merek 2020 |
Sumber Data | : | |
Format File | : | EXCEL |
Jenis Data | : | Data Primer (Wawancara Tatap Muka dengan Kuesioner Terstruktur) |
Metode Penelitian | : | Riset Kuantitatif (Quantitative Research) |
Waktu Pengambilan Data | : | Juli s/d September 2019 |
Base Data | : | Jakarta (619), Bandung (406), Semarang (302), Surabaya (402), Medan (307), Makassar (300) & Banjarmasin (298). Total 2.634 responden |